affiliate marketing crash course

New to affiliate marketing?

Don't worry: After this quick, free affiliate marketing course, you'll be able to earn as much as someone with a four-year marketing degree. The skills you learn here apply to any product, so you can take advantage of affiliate programs offered by any company.

  1. What is affiliate marketing?

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    What exactly is affiliate marketing? How does affiliate marketing work? Why should you care?

  2. A detailed explanation of the product and all it's offerings.

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    In this course, you'll learn all of the ins-and-outs, benefits, and subscription offerings of SYQEL.

  3. Identifying your target audience.

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    Who would be interested in SYQEL: The music visualizer? What kind of people are they? Why would the product appeal to them?

  4. Determining where you'll reach your target audience.

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    Once you've identified your target audience, learn where they hang out online: social media, informational pages, influencers they follow, etc.

  5. How to provide value to your target audience.

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    What makes you click on a link? Land on a website? Get excited about a product?
    Learn how to provide that value to your target audience.

  6. Collaborating with other affiliate marketers.

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    Learn from others what works and what doesn't. Generate ideas with each other. Ask questions. In this case, join our exclusive SYQEL Slack community.

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Let's start selling.

Click the link below to start the course from the beginning, or click any of the sections from above and start from there.

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